Tuesday 26 August 2014


 previous day  1st day
Italian food is so my cup of tea. Fruit, vegetables, pasta, all kinds of melons, pizzas and coffee. Oh, I could eat this forever.

26th August
Hullo guys,
So it's the third day. Today I mainly just ate. I couldn't help it. The food is too delicious.
Did I tell you we were planning to set off in the morning today?
Yeah, we actually got to the beach at about 11 o'clock. And that's not early. It's not even morning. It's already hot here.
The water was nicely cool and refreshing though.
purple and green figs

Oh yeah, and we also stole some really juicy figs.
This was actually the first time I ate fresh figs. They're way better then the dried ones! Definitely recommend to get them somewhere! Yum.
Oh, but don't eat too much of them. They act like natural laxative. And did you know they contain small amount of a drug called atrachinon? Cooooool.
. . .
just some mountains
I didn't even put out my camera on the beach today. But it doesn't really matter, we did practically the same things as yesterday.
But I took few pics on the way home. The nature around here is so various! I love it.

Aaand I found quite passable shell! At least for now, I hope I'll find even better.

you can see our town hiding there in the foothills
. . .
My cousin celebrates his 34th birthday tommorow. My aunt made three simple cakes and I did the rest. It came out quite well I think. My aunt was totally blown out. I don't know, it wasnt that good but... you know, it's convenient.

It would be decent to show you a photo now, right? Okay, okay. Here you go.

We're going to this cool sushi restaurant in occasion of my cousin's birthday tommorow. You know, the one where food rides around on these... oh my, how is it called in English... well, you know what I mean, right?
I'm not exactly a big fan of sushi but there gonna be a lot of other food too. I'm really looking forward to try this kinda thing out.

We also had yellow melon. A lot of it. That's basically all we eat here. So. Much. Fruit.
I might be in heaven.

 next day 

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