Monday 25 August 2014


I actually never mentioned I'm going to Italy with my brother! We set off yesterday morning and arrived shortly before midnight. The journey was long but oh, beautiful.

24th Aughust
Hullo guys,
My cousin who drove is Italian so it was quite entertaining just to be in the car and watch him driving. But the most entertaining thing was the nature around.

As soon as we crossed the German borders and entered Austria the landscape started to change. Soon we were passing through mountains so high we could hardly see its white tops, because the clouds were practically hiding them. We've seen green hilly valleys, lowlands with rippling brooklets. Small villages, above which was always rising a church tower. 
We drove by many castles and fortresses, towering on the rocks like forgotten sighs of the distant past.

I listened to my music, watched films with my brother. Soon my notebook died. And after some time my mobile died too. So I tried to sleep. When I couldn't sleep I just leaned my head on the window and began thinking. 

And you're miles away

And yesterday you were here with me

Ed Sheeran really has some touching songs. It's not just the melody and words. It's the whole conception. The feelings hidden inside. How come I didn't notice it before?

This was just stunning.
As the day was slowly coming to an end I finally managed to fall asleep. When I woke up, we were there. My cousin's apartment is cozy and has a beautiful view. It's a bit messy, of course, like every boy's apartment, but I like it.

That's all I was able to notice at half one in the morning before I climbed into bed and dropped off.

Kind regards from Italy,

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